The good news was that our team went back to school today to do more of what brought us here, TEACH. We have missed the girls so much and it was so wonderful to see them and work with them again. We went into men's haircutting again and the girls all got their hands into the hair cut and did such a great job. They are all so smart, so talented and such quick learners. They're all so anxious to get in there that we practically need to pry the shears out of their hands to give someone else a turn. One of the highlights for us is doing a fun game to warm them up. The room echoes with laughter from us all. They are such joy-filled people and find everything so funny that it is infectious. They play a game with us called "Zoo" and we have been practicing the last few days during our break while riding around in our tuk tuk and it payed off. They were quite impressed with our skill were we!
The bad news was that we woke up to our whole street and entire neighborhood being completely under water. The area we are in is called Top Town and it obviously is not at the top since we are where all the water ran off to. I guess the "powers that be" decided to open up the dam to relieve some of the build up. We were told that houses up by the dam were getting flooded so this was the solution. That damn dam made total mess of things!!! It made for a VERY wet walk to school. Kati, Kali and Heidi all brought rain boots but I did not so I got to wade in the poop water...yum! Maybe I should get one of those pedicures that the fish eat the crud off your feet after all?!?! As I was walking with Kali, Peter (our translator fiancé) came by on his "moto" and gave me a lift. I decided to ride Cambodia style and sit side saddle, I think he has my nails still embedded in his skin!
After a day of teaching we ended up coming home to find that we needed to fill sandbags to protect our home. The waters were rising and we are inches away from it coming inside...good thing our bedroom is on the 3rd floor! At least we ended our day nicely. We took Bella (our translator) with her fiancé and our driver out to a very nice restaurant. It was Cambodian/French and the outside patio was so beautiful. I took a bunch of pictures for Joe since they had a koi pond and these beautiful orchids that were just hanging in the air.
Of course as I type this before heading to bed I am being serenaded by yet another monsoon storm. Can't wait to see what we wake up to be continued...
Kali showing off her rain boots |
Yummy, poop water! |
My moto ride with Peter |
The street our school is on |
Mao (or tuk tuk driver) even helped! |
Sandbag Time |
Mao and Kali at dinner |
This is for you Joe and NO I can't bring it home! |
Our little love birds, Peter and Bella |
Great pictures! I hope your home doesn't flood. Sooooo gross that you had to walk in that water.