Friday, September 27, 2013

The Electric Slide!

Today the girls had to say their goodbyes to Maria and Jasmine, they will be leaving this Sunday so this was their last day to teach.  They made a special lunch for us, we are served lunch with the girls every day and I am told it can be quite questionable.  Yesterday's included a soup that, after a quick inspection, proved to have chicken body parts that I chose not to eat so I just ate the broth and veggies out of it.  One of those body parts were the claws! You know how you don't want to look at an accident when you drive past but for some reason you can't help but look?  Well, I could not take my eyes off of one of the students while she picked it up and started sucking on the claw...I guess you kind of have your own built in toothpick that way!

After class we were invited to a party at the new house AIM is using.  The house we are teaching in currently serves as housing for rescued girls, the outreach program and classes. That way they can use the current one as only housing and the new one will be the outreach center as well as a salon!  They are putting in a salon for the girls being trained by The Trade to work in.  This new location should work well for the outreach program since it is right in the middle of the red light district.  It was an open house party and it was heartwarming to see the girls from that area show up to check it out.  They all seemed so young and innocent.  It is so hard to think about what their world holds for them every night.  I am hoping that  they will be open to making a change through the AIM organization!

So why is this post titled The Electric Slide you ask?  Well...Kati and I taught the girls the Electric Slide at the party!  They LOVED it and we were all laughing so hard.  Of course this was in the hottest most humid weather I have ever been in but it took the uncomfortableness right out of it to be sharing this with these girls.

The evening concluded with us experiencing a neighborhood black out (it must have been Kati's and my rendition of the electric slide that blew out the generators)!  We sat for about an hour or so in complete darkness...except that I brought my handy dandy (and slightly nerdy) head lamp along!  It pays to have been a Girl Scout!  We are off to the airport at 10 tonight to pick up our other 2 team members.  We call ourselves Team Gen for "generation" since the 4 of us represent 4 decades...and YES I am the oldest!!

Our yummy lunch!
The new AIM house

These stalls may look like they are for live stock
but they are used for men to meet and choose the girls
they are hiring for the night. Sickening!
Always Be Prepared


  1. Ah...chicken feet. They are a treat in this part of the world. I still have yet to try them. If you can,get them fried. They are supposed to be quite yummy. Nothing is wasted in of animals. Kinda nice really. I've eaten some things you might be appalled by, but they were good!
    And "no", you will NOT get used to the humidity (nor will your hair)!!

    1. Luckily my hair doesn't mind it here and has been quite cooperative! The only thing bad is that it is too hot and I end up braiding it or sticking it in a ponytails most days. In fact I decided today that I am not even going to try and do it any more, just put it up to start with!!

  2. I will never forget one of Brandon's emails home from the mission where he talked about a soup that was made for him with chicken. He said he took too many biology classes in college to know that he should not eat some of the things that were in there. He couldn't even eat chicken for about a year after getting home :) Fred has a headlamp just like that. What a blessing you took it!
